LIBERA  CATHOLICK  UNION                                                                            a Sacramental Body of Christian Anarchists

LIBERA  CATHOLICK  UNION                                                                            a Sacramental Body of Christian Anarchists


Our History



Who we are

We are the official Libera Catholick Union founded in 1988 via the inspiration and direct legacy Dr. Hermann Schroeder. Our faith community stems from the Independent Catholic Movement and in particular the Primitive Catholic movement. We are to part of the the one Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Orthodox Church of God, having direct Apostolic succession. We self-identify as a sacramental body of Christian Anarchists. LCU also considers itself to be a spiritual successor to the spiritual anti-slavery society founded in 1867 known as the Free Religious Association (FRA) and in solidarity with the Tolstoyan Movement. 

Our goal is too provide spiritual support for any and all who are looking for a church that is truly catholic. LCU is deeply ecumenical and radically egalitarian. We aspire to expand the borders of ecclesastical inclusivity and be welcoming to everyone, regardless of background. We seek to fulfill the Gospel imperative to preach the gospel to all of creation, that all may be one.  

LCU clergy offer a diverse range of sacramental rites, from ancient to contemporary. We allow our local communities to decide upon their preferred rites so as to minister more effectively to our members. We always place pastoral sensitivity over clericalist dogmatism.

Anyone may join our faith family. We offer our sacraments to all beings. Any 2 or 3 who gather in the Name of Jesus and agree to the guiding principles of the LCU may form an LCU community.

We do not coerce or censor narratives, but rather encourage a mindful effort to understand each other. That which binds us is not any creed, canon, or dogma, but simply our shared love of Christ. Jesus asks each of us: “Who do you say that I am?”. 

Libera Catholicks may disagree with each other, civilly of course. 

What unites us in our Union is our common: 

self-identification as Catholick, 

appreciation for the diversity of Catholick traditions and the primordialness of  Divine Revelation, 

disgust for the current state of affairs in much of Christianity, 

& the desire to serve as Catholick ministers.

Most of our members live in the USA. But members may live anywhere. Our members engage in a wide array of ministerial activities, including the traditional works of mercy, offering the Church’s sacraments freely (particularly among the marginalized), research of Christian history, investigation into and application of spiritual practices, religious education, peer mentoring, and pastoral counseling, to name just a few. 

The Holy Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin

The Holy Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin