LIBERA  CATHOLICK  UNION                                                                            a Sacramental Body of Christian Anarchists

LIBERA  CATHOLICK  UNION                                                                            a Sacramental Body of Christian Anarchists


Freedom, Creativity & Community / Light, Life & Love

Love Life Light Spiral

Love Life Light Spiral

“preach the gospel to all creation” (Mk 16:15).        “that they all may be one” (Jn 17:21)

We embrace the three non-negotiable laws operating on all levels of reality of which we are aware: autopoeisis (the self-organizing principle/freedom), differentiation (creativity), and community (inter-being). 

The LCU Motto is taken from 2 Thes 2:10, “LOVE THE TRUTH”. 

Vulgate (Latin): “caritatem veritatis”

The LCU holds to this great Catholick principle:

In necessary things, unity.

In undeterminable things, liberty.

In all things, charity.

What LCU considers necessary and essential is personalist Trinitarianism.

“‘Trinity unisubstantial and indivisible, unity trihypostatic and consubstantial’ — ... [T]his is the path to it [the Truth]”. (Pavel Florensky, The Pillar and Ground of The Truth, “Letter Three: Triunity”)

Freedom & Light, in the Name of the Father El Elyon 

Creativity & Life in the Name of the Yahushua Son

Communion & Love in the Name of the Holy Spirit Adon

All Hail Our Lady, Trino-Sophia, Maria-Libera,

the Lady of Us All, Mother-Daughter-Holy Soul.

The LCU looks to the 12 traditions of Alchoholics Anonymous, the 6 Freedoms of Free Methodism, and the 4 Fragile Freedoms of Baptist theology for it’s organizational structure.

We look to the 4 imperatives of Mark 3:13-15, as found in the Vulgate, for the structuring of our sacraments.

All members of LCU are holy priests and may perform the sacraments. LCU communities may additionally select for themselves diackons (social service ministers) amd presters (theological overseers and pastors), who are consecrated via a mixture of tulsi basil and apple-vinegar blessed with the Purusha Suktam hymn.

Anything you wish to consecrate, rub with the blessed tulsi vinegar tincture: children, animals, food, vestments, properties, etc. The tulsi vinegar induces resurrection.

For those performing Eucharist’s we in LCU do try to make use of Apostle Paul's epiclesis (1 Cor. 11:23-29), as well as a traditional epiclesis.

Fr. Henri Nouwen provides a nice reflection on the key words found in this traditional words of institution in “Who are we?”. The 4 key eucharistic words are; taken (aka chosen), blessed, broken and given. In gist, he explains, we are all taken/chosen as the beloved of God. And we all feel broken and are born into a wounded world. So we as Christians are called as a Eucharistic people to put our own brokenness under God’s eternal blessing. And then we are empowered to pick up our cross and proclaim the gospel to all creatures, giving ourselves to the world to manifest the reign of God as a community that is chosen-blessed-broken-given. 

Abwoon... Libera nos a Malo. Amin.

Yod He Shin Vav He ki Jay!